Sunday, December 19, 2010

"You have a quiet and unobtrusive nature"...

...Well, that's what my fortune cookie says anyway.  I just consumed the first hot food in my day - some steamed vegetables and rice from a Chinese restaurant that delivers to my Navy hotel.

Today I was thinking that a blog is a little self absorbed, isn't it? Like, who is out there waiting with baited breath to read what I have to say?? Anyway... expect typo's and perhaps some sentences that don't make sense... but I plan to keep this up.

The last 2 weeks or so have to be up there with the most stressful in my life. Make that the last month or so. CBRNE, PT test, online trainings up the ying yang, ensuring my work responsibilities are passed along without too many hick ups, saying goodbyes, moving out of my home, living in a hotel, saying goodbye to Bella! My puppy!! Ok enough whining....

This trip is finally on the road.  Soon the "adventure" will truly start to progress and get interesting.

Today I'm grateful for... internet, cell phones, friends, family, and nice co-deployers. Not necessarily in that order. :)

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